Where to Sell My Tesla Car with Easy Payment


Despite COVID-19 and its subsequent economic slump, the EVs still remain promising because of the rapid pace of innovation. Quick charging, connected cars and improving mile range are at forefront which accelerated EV adoption across the world. The old models will face obsolescence in coming years.  It has given rise to a flourishing second hand market.

Selling a Tesla Electric Car can be quite hectic. Unanticipated issues in payment , undervaluation of the car or dubious buyers will be lurking around somewhere.  To put mind at ease, we have compiled real issues from sellers all round the country . We would investigate a few real world problems which most sellers face and how we can safely navigate through while selling.


1)    Selling to Individual Buyer


Awesome. You have decided to sell the car. Maybe to a friend or to a stranger nearby . But , selling a car is a multi step process. Shortlisting the buyer, Meeting the buyer, Test Drive and so on. Smart Buyers will check a history report on a pre-owned EV via a service like CarFax or AutoCheck and will estimate the correct valuation . Even if they are willing to pay a few extra bucks, the greater money won't mirror the time, stress and rounds of negotiations involved. Multiple visits to banks or bureaucratic challenges won’t help either.

Problem 1 : Few extra hundred bucks from the standard price won’t reflect the hassles endured while selling.

Secondly, Sellers will get countless inquiries from malicious buyers . The most dire outcome is that the scammer would find an opportunity to scam after seeing your lovely electric car listing in the website portal . Crooks also fake payments and present counterfeit bills in order to trick sellers. It is no secret that hundreds of innocent people get duped in the web of lies resulting in tremendous financial loss and agony.


Problem 2 : Be cautious from malicious buyers .


Most website portals display seller’s contact information publicly. This causes sellers to be susceptible to cybercrimes.  Sellers today are more prone to phishing scams, internet frauds and identity thefts. Sellers can be vulnerable to risk family security by posting address information online.


Problem 3 : Posting contact information in website portals can result in compromising system’s and personal security.


In order to establish trust, don’t forget to ask the person’s name, address and whether he wants to come and see the car in person. This technique can screen at least 80% of conmans.

Remember firmly that basic common sense can keep one safe whilst selling.

Sellers also face a number of Post- Sale liabilities . Classic example is changing of ownership ought to be dealt with. The new buyer may look credible and paperwork seems authentic too.  But before changing the ownership, it may happen that he has raked up thousands in parking bills or crashed somewhere taking innocent lives. Legally speaking, you could be held liable for the same.


Being transparent is utmost important while selling. For any post sale issue, the buyer can slap a fraud claim which can land a seller in deep waters.


Problem 4 : Buyers can cause headaches even after sale.




1)    Selling Online to International Buyer


Another prevalent technique to sell is by international sellers on the web. It has garnered a lot of interest between sellers because international buyers tend to give higher prices than the local buyers. It may look like a gold mine but with hidden costs like costs of shipping or sending documents to and fro to check the authenticity may rake up hundreds of dollars.


Problem 4: Take care of hidden costs and try to minimize as much as possible.

Further drawback is that the arrangement may take longer than expected . One needs to take top notch photographs to establish that the vehicle is in the most ideal condition. The advertisement should look legitimate to check the sale authenticity. The best practice is to use 1 Day Delivery via USPS or DHL for sending documents . To close the deal as soon as possible, miscreants also portray themselves as international buyers to scam people which can be disastrous if the right measures are not followed.


Problem 5 : International deals will be slow and sluggish .


1)    Local Dealership Center


The most effective way to sell is through an authentic local dealership center. Usually, dealership centers have exhaustive clauses and conditions , but smart sellers with the right research can get a deal FROM HOME.

Yes, you heard it right !


Top notch dealership centers are providing :-


     Instant Valuation

     Same Day Payment

     Appointment as per convenience

     Secure and Safe

     Best Price

No need to worry about taking a day off or shady practices whilst selling. IF you are planning to sell tesla model X or sell tesla model S then Sellmyev.com takes care of getting the car picked up to paying the right valuation on the same day as this is the best place to sell electric car. Our employees are well sanitized and take care of all needs at your comfort. Additionally, our customers can get a safe payment within 1 day. Who would miss out on this kind of deal !


Conclusively, it is advisable to be careful of fraudsters in the market . Today, with the right guidance one can get the best price in a hassle free manner from the convenience of a home. This will generate a good Return on Investment (ROI) on a sale which you can be proud of.


Good Luck Selling.



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